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Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's that time of Year!

As I look at the calendar this is the last week in August! It is exactly one month until it is actually FALL!!! Everyone looks forward to the fall... crisp air, football games, bonfires, etc... Not me... Don't get me wrong yeah all that is fun. But I am more of a shorts, tank-top, flip flop wearing kind of girl.
It seems like when fall starts we see more and more colds,  coughs, flu, bronchitis, etc...
The following four are my go to for all that crud!
Thieves is a definite to keep in your home at all times! It is an amazing blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious essential oils. This blend was created based on legends about a group of Thieves from the 15th century that rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. Yeah I'll take that kind of protection what about you? Yeah I'm not saying this is going to ever keep you from getting sick but you don't get as sick when you catch a bug. I use this daily on the bottom of my daughter's feet before venturing off to school or play.

The next I strongly recommend keeping on hand is Oregano Oil. This is another oil that is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial. This particular oil was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen. I use this in my home like I would an antibiotic. We add a few drops in a veggie capsules with V-6 vegetable oil along with Thieves (I'm a Thieves girl for sure) A good antibiotic bomb contains Oregano, Thieves, and Frankincense Oil (both Thieves and Frankincense can be found in the Everyday Oils Kit)
R.C and Raven are a great combo to have to combat colds and respiratory disease and infections. R.C. gives relief from colds, bronchitis, sore throats, sinusitis, coughs, and respiratory congestion. It decongests sinus passages, combats lung infections, and relieves allergy symptoms. While Raven helps to fight against respiratory disease. It is highly antiviral and antiseptic. These two combos diffused help tremendously when battling all those fall/winter crud!

If you have been considering ordering Essential Oils from Young Living consider the Premium Start Kit if you are wanting a Home Diffuser.

With the Premium Start Kit you receive a Home Diffuser, Everyday Oils Kit (includes 11 essential oils the most popular oils all in one kit for one low price), several samples and a few more extras. The Retail Price for the Everyday oils Kit is $163.16. With the purchase of a Premium Start Kit you pay one Price $150! It's like getting a Home Diffuser for FREE!!! With the membership for all future purchase you get 24% off Retail Pricing which will make the purchase of anything you choose whether it is R.C., Raven, Oregano, etc it's 24% off RETAIL! That's AWESOME!!! You have an option to join Essential Rewards along with this membership. Essential Rewards gives you product credit months 1-6 10% months 7-12 15% and months 13 on 20% back on all purchases and you can call and cash those in for FREE products! I LOVE essential rewards!!! (Note: Yearly purchase of $50 to keep membership active). 
Are you ready to start being a HEALTHIER YOU?

Disclaimer: Statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure and has not been evaluated by the FDA

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Consider this when making your decision!

Consider this when you decide to start Living with Young Living Essential Oils!
It's like getting home diffuser for FREE!
Trust me you will be 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Celebrating 20 Years

Young Living is celebrating 20 years! Each month on the 20th they offer a product for 20% off. Today and Tomorrow you can purchase EndoFlex 20% off either Retail or Wholesale pricing! If you have been wanting to try something new 20% off is always a great start! Log in now and purchase yours!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

White Angelica

Do you want to get rid of that negative energy? White Angelica may be the answer!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fun Times Sharing Oils

We had lots of fun Sharing Information about Young Living Essential Oils at our Booth Yesterday!

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