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Friday, June 13, 2014

Introducing Joy...

Joy is a blend that produces a magnetic energy that brings joy to the heart, mind, and soul. It inspires romance and helps overcome deep-seated grief and depression. You can diffuse, directly inhale, apply (over heart, thymus, temples and wrists) apply to vita flex points, or add to bath water. This blend contains Rose, Bergamot, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile and Rosewood.
Rose has the highest frequency among essential oils. It creates a sense of balance, harmony, and well-being and elevates the mind, It creates a magnetic, energy that attracts pure love and brings joy to the heart.
Bergamot balances hormones, calms emotions and relieves anxiety, stress, and tension
Mandarin is appeasing, gentle, and promotes happiness. it combats insomnia, stress, and irritability.
Ylang Ylang increases relaxation, balances male and female energies. It also restores confidence and equilibrium.
Lemon is stimulating and invigorating, promoting a deep sense of well-being. 
Geranium stimulates the nerves and helps release negative memories so that joy can be attained.
Jasmine exudes an exquisite fragrance that revitalizes spirits and brings feelings of love, support, and joy. It is used to relieve sorrow, depression, and nervous exhaustion.
Palmarosa is stimulating and revitalizing, enhancing both the nervous and cardiovascular systems and bring about a feeling of security.
Roman Chamomile combats restlessness, tension and insomnia. It releases mental blocks and purges toxins from liver where anger is stored.
Rosewood is high in linalool, which has a relaxing, empowering effect and gives a feeling of being grounded, stable, and strong.
This is also found in the Everyday Oils Collection which is included in the Premium Start Kit

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