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Monday, June 2, 2014

Young Living Essential Oils

What are Essential Oils?? 
Essential oils are the highly concentrated, volatile, aromatic essences of plants. Essential oils contain hundreds of organic constituents, including hormones, vitamins and other natural elements that work on many levels. They are 75 to 100 times more concentrated than the oils in dried herbs. There are several different types of oils on the market. There are significant differences between synthetic fragrance oils and pure essential oils. Synthetic fragrance oils may duplicate the smell of the pure botanical, but the complex chemical components of each essential oil created in nature determine its true aromatic benefits. Synthetic fragrance oils do not have medicinal properties; they are NOT suitable for aromatherapy. Some synthetic oils can cause you to get a headache or I have heard many say they think they stink. Pure essential oils are most commonly extracted from plants through the process of steam distillation. In this process, steam is introduced into a distillation chamber which contains the plant material. The steam breaks down the plant tissue, causing it to release its essential oil in a vaporized form. The vaporized essences, along with the steam and other substances, pass into a pipe through cooling tanks. The vapors return to liquid form and are separated from the water and captured as pure essential plant oil. Expression, also known as cold pressing, is done exclusively with citrus oils. In this method, the oil-containing outer layer of the fruit is pressed and filtered to yield pure essential oil.

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